Specialized Slip Ring

Waterproof slip rings







What is waterproof slip ring/sealed slip ring?

A waterproof slip ring is an electromechanical device designed to transmit electrical signals, power, or data between a rotating part and a stationary part in environments where moisture, water, or other liquids may be present. Our waterproof slip rings are designed to prevent water ingress, protecting internal component and ensuring reliable power and signal transmission even in the presence of moisture. Our sealed slip rings are apply to marine equipment, outdoor surveillance systems, water treatment facilities and underwater robotics. We have a range of standard capsule slip rings and through bore slip rings can meet IP65 or IP68.

Key features of a waterproof slip ring include:

Sealed Enclosure: It is housed in a sealed casing or enclosure that effectively prevents water from entering and potentially damaging the internal components.

Specialized Sealing Technology: It employs specialized materials and techniques to create a watertight barrier, ensuring protection against moisture and water ingress.

Corrosion-Resistant Materials: Components within the slip ring are often made from materials that resist corrosion, allowing the slip ring to maintain its functionality even when exposed to water.

IP Rating: Sealed slip rings are typically assigned an Ingress Protection (IP) rating, which indicates the level of protection they offer against solids (first digit) and liquids (second digit). For example, an IP67-rated slip ring is dust-tight and capable of withstanding temporary immersion in water.

Customizable Configurations: Manufacturers offer customization options to meet specific application requirements, including the number of circuits and the type of signals being transmitted.

Waterproof slip rings find applications in a wide range of industries and environments where exposure to moisture or water is a concern. Some common applications include:

Marine and Offshore Equipment: Waterproof slip rings are used in equipment on ships, offshore platforms, and other marine environments where exposure to seawater is likely.

Underwater Vehicles: They are employed in remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to transmit signals and power between the stationary control unit and the rotating parts of the vehicle.

Water Treatment and Desalination: Waterproof slip rings are used in equipment for water treatment plants and desalination facilities, where the environment may be wet or humid.

Outdoor Surveillance Systems: They are utilized in outdoor security cameras and surveillance equipment to ensure continuous signal transmission, even in rainy or wet conditions.

Amusement Park Rides: Waterproof slip rings are used in rotating elements of amusement park rides to transmit power and control signals.

Environmental Monitoring Equipment: They find applications in equipment used for environmental monitoring in outdoor or wet environments.

We Beyo Transfer are a prominent slip ring manufacturer based in China. We understand that every sealed application is unique, if standard models can not meet your demand, a tailored solutions will be offered according to your specific needs to ensure that our slip rings perfectly fit your system, please send your requirements on line or contact us at info@beyotrans.com for assistance.

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